Wednesday, November 14, 2007

MIC Testing .................

If you know me and if you are reading this,you must have raised an eyebrow/gasped in horror/been plain cold shocked.The logical question going through your minds must be "Why does this fool/idiot/moron/whatever else you choose to label me as
If there's any positive word , please post in the comments or mail me)need another blog ? "

I started my first blog blog some 4 years ago.Made a few posts.The first 2-3 posts were downright bad.I decided to discontinue that one.Then thought I will make amends and thus began my next blogging expedition.In course of these 4 years , this pattern has repeated many many times.I have been in and out of Blogger,spaces.msn, and a few other services.That ,Google searches resulted in numerous perfect results for my various blog avatars ( Yes ,I am a closet cupboard narcissist , who egosurfs when nobody is around)was the only consolation , from those many endeavors.I would like to provide a link to all my old blogs,but believe me I lost track of them , once I stopped counting them.

I have been irregular/inconsistent in the other blog that I maintain right now.
I have also done more than my fair share of experiments there.In a sense , I am a kid .I would like to erase all that is present in my slate and make a fresh start.Nitpickers will point out that I have had one fresh start too many.
In my defence I can only say that they were false starts best forgotten.

Most of the blogs , that I read have been around for a longtime and regularly announce landmarks like "500th post" "6th year" and so on.So on this day,
I solemnly resolve to stick to this blog , the way good old Neeraj stays with his bigger than brick cellphones.Neeraj and his mobile phones have been constant companions in my blogosphere journey and rest assured Neeraj will find his marquee here as well.Amen to him.

1 comment:

Swaroop said...

keep it going. I m here to read your blog :).